Are templeless reading glasses practical?

We have already told you on several occasions about our glasses armaless and reading designed for see up close, with a unique design, without rods and very small, perfect to always carry by hand since they fit in a purse, a shirt pocket or a small bag, since they take up almost no space.

Essential for those who suffer from eyestrain when they do not have their normal presbyopia glasses at hand and need to face an emergency reading. They can become an important part of your everyday life, making it much easier in a stylish way.

It includes an adhesive to attach them to your mobile, place them on the dashboard of the car to always have them at hand, on your desk.

Without a doubt, the perfect mix of comfort and design in reading glasses -> Discover them here!

Not sure when to use them?

Read a book, an urgent message on the mobile, for the computer, the iPad, write or draw… Any activity will be easier if you have our Didinsky on hand. We show you!

Didinsky templeless reading glasses